For economic and environmental reasons, the outfitter decided to favour the use of a 45 kW micro hydraulic turbine instead of a generator using fossil fuel. To ensure reliable power supply from a renewable energy source. The outfitter has commissioned CSC ÉNERGIE to study and obtain the required permits as well as TRANSENER CAPITAL for the financing to install a micro-hydropower plant.
Project cost
The estimated cost of the project is approximately $525,000
Installed Power
The development does not involve a retaining dam: The project is run-of-the-river and uses the river’s natural elevation change. A fraction of the river’s water flows to the generating station through:
A water channel of about 311 m.
- A penstock of approximately 230 m.
- A power plant of 4.27m x 4.27 m where the turbine will be located.
- The water returns to the river through a 25m return channel.
A net fall height of 20.5m to reach a power of 45 kW, a flow rate of 0.350 m3/s (less than 3% of the estimated average flow of the river).
Annual compensation Kw/h
The purpose of the micro hydropower plant is to offset a total annual consumption of approximately 295,650 kWh currently supplied by a generator using fossil fuel.
GHG Reduction
Eliminate 124 tonnes of GHG annually.
Return on investment
This project has the advantage of eliminating the diesel generator and producing green electricity. A planned return on investment would be less than 5 years.
For economic and environmental considerations, the Outfitter commissioned us to do a comparative energy study between solar and hydroelectric energy sources. Given the important energy needs of the Outfitter on an annual basis and given its potential for future development, a hydroelectric solution is quite appropriate. The potential of the site studied allows the development of a project with a power of 100 kW to replace the use of conventional diesel generator.
Project cost
The estimated cost of the project is approximately 650 000$
Installed Power
The installed power is estimated at 100kw
Annual compensation Kw/h
The purpose of the micro hydropower plant is to offset a total annual consumption of approximately 657,000 kWh currently supplied by a generator using fossil fuel.
GHG Reduction
Eliminate 278 tonnes of GHG annually.
Return on investment
This project has the advantage of eliminating the diesel generator and producing green electricity. A planned return on investment would be less than 5 years.